One of the modern methods used in IVF treatment is the genetic diagnosis test. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) helps couples who have inherited diseases or are surrogates, too, to have healthy babies. As a part of the IVF treatment, the embryos obtained by fertilizing eggs with sperms are checked for many hereditary and chromosomal diseases by means of 1 or 2 tissue (blastomere) sampling before being transferred into the mother's uterus. This allows determining the number of gender chromosomes as well as identifying abnormalities. Healthy embryos are selected in the light of this information for transfer to mother's uterus.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis first saw use in Europe and the USA in late 90s. In Cyprus EuroIVF In Vitro Fertilization Center, PGD is recommended to and performed on patients by our qualified team of experts where considered necessary.

Who are Recommended PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)?

  • Prospective mothers with recurrent miscarriage,
  • Couples who had unsuccessful IVF attempt(s),
  • Prospective parents with advanced maternal age or one of the partners having a genetic or chromosomal defect (sufferers or carriers).

Selection and transfer of healthy embryos free from genetic defects is one of the crucial factors affecting the IVF success. Detection of any certain diseases that are carried by the mother and can be transmitted to the father on the embryo, and transfer of healthy embryo free from defects considerably boosts the couple's chances of having an unaffected pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Today, muscle diseases such as haemophilia, Ducten and neuromuscular dystrophy, Tay-sachs, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and fragile X syndrome, Down's syndrome and certain other chromosomal diseases can be diagnosed with the PGD method.

Is the PGD method safe for the Embryo?

The PGD method is in no way harmful for embryos and the results of the tissue sampling test can be obtained within 24 hours.

How is PGD Performed?

There are three different methods for performing PGD. Our doctor will determine which method is more suitable for you based on the pre-assessment of your condition.

  • Polar body biopsy performed on mother's oocyte (this can only detect diseases the mother has)
  • Tissue sampling (blastomere biopsy) from a 3-day-old embryo (6-8 cells). (This is the most commonly used method in practice.)
  • Tissue sampling (blastocyst biopsy) from a 5-day-old embryo. Array CGH method is currently used for genetic diagnosis, which allows a numerical measurement of all 46 human chromosomes.

There are ongoing researches working on detecting genetically inherited diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, hypertension disorders and cancer in the future via PGD method and preventing them from being inherited to future generations.